Review: Archer Farms instant oatmeal -- Pumpkin Spice

(So it looks like I'll be sprinkling current reviews in with the ones I wrote last month. I hadn't quite made up my mind but these things have a way of working themselves out.)
I bought this oatmeal on a whim, like most Target purchases. Plus I have a good track record with Archer Farms granola. This oatmeal is packaged similarly and makes about the same amount as the Quaker kind, so the only factor going towards buying another one of these would be a new/interesting flavor.
Which is why I picked up Pumpkin Spice in the first place. I felt it was a bit heavy on the ginger; I think I was expecting more of a pumpkin pie flavor. Then again, too much cinnamon would've made it a deep orange-colored Cinnamon Spice, so I can see why they'd shy away from that. Overall I liked it and will definitely eat it again.


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